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Where Do We Go From Here? 3 Critical Insights for Auto Dealerships Facing Covid-19

If anything is certain, it’s that a LOT has changed over the past few weeks.

As a result, our team has spent countless hours listening to and learning about the impacts of Covid-19 on our dealers. We were very quickly inundated with questions: Are people still buying vehicles? How do we approach our customers without sounding completely tone deaf? Should we be approaching our customers at all right now?

There were so many questions and not nearly enough answers. But as we emerge from the initial shock and panic of our new reality, there are a few key insights that have become clear.

1) Customers are responsive and appreciative…

…and yes they are still buying vehicles. When approached with customer-centered messaging, we are seeing that people are very responsive and grateful to hear from us.

"As you know, I was nervous and very sensitive to the type of messaging we put out. But I'm happy to say the response has been very positive. Your team did a great job with messaging and tone. Customers were very appreciative to hear how we are trying to help them out. We even sold a handful of vehicles. Thanks!" - Brandon Sanchioni, Medicine Hat Nissan

2) Action decreases fear.

Why? Because it produces results. And results provide a sense of direction for moving forward. The dealers who’ve been reporting success over the past couple of weeks are the ones who’ve chosen to take massive action in the following ways:

  • Aggressively communicating with customers

  • Running helpful and tone appropriate campaigns

  • Implementing in-home services and virtual ways of buying/selling vehicles (i.e. live chat and direct messaging)

  • Cutting costs in the right areas (i.e. outsourcing BDC)

3) The right message is key.

While we know that we can’t ignore the current public health situation and move forward with campaigns as usual, we also know that we don’t want to reach out with yet another message about Covid-19 health and safety protocols. What customers are actively searching for are tangible ways to save money. When we reach out with real solutions, they are extremely responsive and ready to act.

• Lower Your Payment

• Payment Deferrals

• Subprime Customers

• OEM Incentives

• Cash Back

Here’s how we can help:

• Free consultations in business & communication strategy

• Tone appropriate campaigns

• Inbound/outbound call support

• Live chat & messenger

• Flexible payment options

If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out to

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