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Improve Your Sales by Improving Your Emotional Intelligence

Some personalities are like oil and water. As humans, we naturally avoid dealing with those whose attitudes clash with our own. And if you guessed that this must have a dramatic impact on sales, you’d be right.

From the general personality traits that define us, such as being an introvert or an extrovert, to the fluctuating emotions we all go through on a daily - or hourly - basis, the energy we put out is always met with either a complimentary or contrary energy. Understanding how to regulate your emotions to compliment the emotions of your customer will change the way you approach a sales call.

WOAH - This is sounding kind of like fluffy, new-agey stuff. Is this really going to help me improve sales???

Hear me out…

The Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence (the ability to connect to buyers on an emotional level) has reported that: Partners (from a multi-national consulting firm) with a higher level of EI than their peers had earned a profit of $1.2M more than those with lower emotional intelligence. Similarly, the household brand L’Oreal saw a net revenue increase of $2,559,360.00 by selecting a group of sales professionals strictly on the basis of their strong emotional intelligence.

What is EI, and How Can I Get It?

At its most basic level, emotional intelligence is simply the ability to sense, understand, and apply the power of your own emotions while communicating with your customer. This is not a manipulation tactic, but rather an opportunity to connect and build relationships with the human on the other side of the phone. Never forget that each buyer is an actual person with their own thoughts and feelings.

Lucky for us, emotional intelligence is not the same as IQ. All too often, a know-it-all salesperson will demonstrate their incredible intelligence, but lack the emotional connection vital to a great sale. With the right motivation and self-awareness, you can actually learn the skill of EI and apply it to your own sales experience.

But how?

Motivation - What drives you?

What makes you go into work in the morning? What pushes you to pick up the phone and make that first, second, or third contact with a lead? If it’s to build on relationships, great! If it’s to earn the money you need to support your family, that’s great too. Whatever your reason is, make note of it. Use it as your push to learn everything that will make you a great salesperson. This intrinsic motivation will be the factor that sustains the energy required for a long, successful career in sales.

Become Aware of Yourself - What energy are you putting out?

Have you ever anticipated a bad call and approached it with pessimism and reluctance? How did that work out for you?

Business man in coffee shop wearing a blue blazer, smiling at his phone with his legs crossed

We all have things that come up in our personal or professional lives that can put a damper on our spirits from time-to-time. One thing that’s integral to sales is the ability to notice your mood and adjust accordingly.

Become Aware of Your Buyer - What energy are they responding with?

What does your customer need from you? Try to notice their tone and pace. Are they feeling rushed? Frustrated? Confused? Instead of focusing on the next line of your sales pitch, try to consider what concerns they are having in the moment and address those with empathy and consideration.

Regulate Your Emotions - Approach each day with a positive mindset.

morning light, coffee cup, newspaper, morning routine, sunshine, wooden table, emotional intelligence, sales, postivity

This is easier said than done, however with practice you can master this. Having a daily routine in place is one way you can condition your brain to think and react positively. Not only will this improve your emotional intelligence, it can also improve your well-being in all aspects of your life.

By now, you are aware that there is more being said during a sales call than just words. From now on, you won’t be able to listen to your buyers without reading between the lines, and making accommodations for them. Remember: this is not about you. It’s about building trust and lasting relationships with your customers by connecting with them on an emotional level.

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